
A DNA link was found between Carolyn and Rhonda, proving as we had long suspected, Susan Oram was the daughter of  James Oram and Susan(nah) Bartlett.

We did a cluster analysis for  Rhonda, Sue, & Roger. In this Sue had a cluster with a high incidence of the surname Vallis.

An extensive check of DNA matches between Rhonda, Sue, Carolyn, & Roger was undertaken. One of Roger’s DNA matches was present in Sue’s  “high incidence of the surname Vallis” cluster.

Roger and Sue are only related through, John White Pearce (JWP) & Susan Oram.   So the Vallis DNA link has to be either through Susan Oram or JWP.  But neither Chris or Carolyn saw any Vallis matches, so it is very likely it is JWP related.

Carolyn then remembered Vallis was a common name in the area Somerset of the birth of  Susan Oram. It was then quickly solved by normal family tree research.

This solved a long standing issue as to what was the true name of John White Pearce: John Vallis.

However further analysis of the  data only found one interesting matching surname in our search for Bartlett’s and Oram’s :


from the trees of Zieler and Tyson_Dorman. Both persons were born around 1900.

My (CJO) only thought is: could Oram become Dorman?

Oram/ Pearce K.M. (managed by Illolibro) 3?
Allan Dilworth (managed by Zan2461) N
Oram, Pearce, or Vallis DNA links taosoper54 Y Vallis
kvanston11 N
P.C. (managed by patcolliver) N
C.E. (managed by John Ellis) N
Katharine Wright Y
D.S. (managed by kaper6) P
kristenarmitage N
kyokoduo N
catbear18 N
Dawn Menser 3?
Gordp88 N
andrew_fairchild58 Y
margaretclinton19 Y
Steven Inman Y
Sylvia Dean N
Rodney Rainville P
stacyzieler Y
Tyson_Dorman Y?
G.L. (managed by Lucinda Ellen Hyde) N
F.S. (managed by fstephens26) N
Carole Scagell N