John Oram 1824-1907 and his son Arthur Talbott Oram 1853-1919 were farmers and land agents who lived near Newport in County Mayo, Ireland. All of John’s diaries and those of Arthur’s that have survived have been deposited in University College Dublin Archives where they were digitised in 2012.
Images of the diaries are in UCD Digital Library
This website had been written and developed by Chris and Carolyn, two of John and Arthur’s descendants, to present more of the family’s archive and history that may be of interest to researchers and other members of our family.
The above photograph was taken in 1892 at Lovington, Somerset, England shortly before John retired from farming. John and his wife Jane are surrounded by their surviving offspring. From top left clockwise: John, Arthur (the diarist), Emma, James, Alfred, Jane, Lily, Kathleen, Edith and Caroline.
My mother born Dilys Rose Banfield born in 1922 was adopted at the age of seven by a lady with maiden name Edith Oram(from Watchet) and her husband Theophilus Isaac’s. They adopted Dilys in South Wales. They then lived at Lllwynypia in the Rhondda valley until Edith died in 1965 . Her husband died in 1938. Could this family be part of your family . Edith or am s birthday was on 3 rd November.
I have often wondered about my mother’s adoptive family so would be grateful for a reply please. My name is Rita Peacock and I now live in Essex. Thank you